Rotate the next to show a man falling - this one is easier than the last. Next rotate the three sides of the cube to show a picture of Graham on his knees - this is tougher, but you'll make it through. Rotate the next cube to show Graham and Songbird - simple since you just need to rotate until it is stood flat. Rotate the cube until it displays a picture of Milo being kidnapped. You will need to convince Joey and his multiple personalities. This room will be familiar to Foster and fans of Beneath a Steel Sky - sit in the Overmann's chair. Time to save the world - start down the linear path you're on and you'll find a haunting ruined room. Now bare witness to a big chunky cutscene as we try to escape Union City. Now head towards the toaster, and hack both the toaster and the satellite - NOTE: you may need to restart from an autosave for the satellite object to appear as hackable, it appears to be bugged. Swap the Land Train and Main Gate options.
Head to the right corner of the room, near the screens, and use your hacker with the signal system and the land train doors. Honestly, I never liked Alonso, but he was hardly an antagonist - despite this, Joey assists Foster, and you kill Alonso before moving into the control room. Alonso will question you a bit, it doesn't seem to matter how you respond. Swap the green icon into the Gun control node, and then swap the shutter options - this should close the shutters and get Alonso's attention. Get your hacker out, and walk away from the door slightly until you see the gun control option. Follow the walkway down and you'll find that devious Alonso holding a gun to Songbird. Since everyone is here you can talk to everyone and take your time - once you're done hack the door to the elevator and get into the next room, then leave via the door. Your goal will now to be to get the main gate open so you can all drive off in Wendell's truck. Finally, you are reunited with the best members of the cast, Wendell, Orana, and Milo I guess. And now everyone in the city should have infinite Qdos, allowing you to travel outside of the city with the children you rescued and Poppy. Once that is done, find the display with the Qdos of All Citizens, place the division symbol in the left slot, and the 0 in the right. All you need to do is find the division symbol, and the number 0 - pick those up. Now you'll have to undertake a puzzle involving Qdos, it shouldn't be too difficult…. Leet will charge you with saving Poppy, the innocent girl he was taking care of. In the next room you'll find a digital recording from Leet, who knew his death was coming. Once inside, use the Navigator again and you'll be led to the Qdos allocation system. Sit down in Leet's special LINCspace chair again, it's time to go back into the digital world. Go further into Leet's lab to find his body - Leet is dead, and his death happened very recently.
Enter the Furnace room where you found Leet before - he's gone, but the hostile security droid from before is here, and you can put the Joeyboard in it for a nice "upgrade".Enter the Recycling centre and follow the walkway from before to briefly interact with Jimmy.With that out of the way, read on to finish the game… Beyond a Steel Sky Walkthrough 4 - Graham's messages, finding inspiration, Aspiration Gala, controlling Joey and more.Beyond a Steel Sky Walkthrough 3 - Aspiration Platform, travel waiver, recycling centre, Leet and more.
Beyond a Steel Sky Walkthrough 2 - How to become Graham Grundy, complete the museum, and more. Beyond a Steel Sky Walkthrough 1 - How to get inside Union City. If you haven't reached the final recycling centre run yet, make sure to take a look at our past Beyond a Steel Sky guides. This is the most action-packed chapter in Beyond a Steel Sky, and we have all of the solutions you are looking for in this guide. In this walkthrough we cover the Qdos puzzle, everything you need to do in the final return to the recycling centre, opening Union City's gate, and finally, taking down the council and Joey the Saviour. This is the final entry in our Beyond a Steel Sky walkthrough, and once you're done with this, you will have finished the entire game.